Extract pearls from your pain
Updated: Nov 7, 2023
Many of us love precious pearls, pearl earrings, a pearl necklace, a bracelet, a ring. Pearls are beautiful and when we wear them, they give us that touch of class, elegance and good taste.
How is the pearl produced?
It is interesting to know that every pearl is the consequence of an oyster that has been wounded by a grain of sand that has entered inside it.
An oyster that has not been wounded cannot produce pearls.
In an internal part of the oyster there is a substance called "nacre" and when a grain of sand penetrates in the oyster, this one covers it with layers of nacre to protect itself. As a result, a beautiful and shiny pearl is formed.
You too can extract pearls from your pain! The pearls are your tears hardened by love.
All of us have been hurt in our feelings and emotions.
What things or actions hurt our soul?
- Words or attitudes of someone, especially the people we love.
- By unjust accusations.
- By lies or slander against us.
- Because our ideas have been rejected or ridiculed.
- Because of mockery
- Because we are not valued as we deserve
- Physical, verbal, emotional and psychological abuse.
- Even the death of a loved one
- The abandonment of a parent in our childhood.
- In short, the list of reasons why we may feel hurt is innumerable.
If we do not know how to heal the wound, everything they say or do to us, we will feel even more wounded, and the sore opens and even gets infected or rots.
The wounds of the soul, if not healed, can turn us into bitter, resentful, violent and vengeful people.
A wounded person hurts others.
An unhealed wound in the soul can even make our body sick.
Experts have determined that many of the reasons why our body gets sick are related to unhealed negative emotions and feelings in the soul.
According to Chinese medicine, each negative emotion is related to an organ and function of the human body. The most common causes of illness are negative attitudes and emotions such as guilt, resentment, need for attention and fear. Therefore, any emotional imbalance can be reflected in symptoms or disease of these organs.
For example: How much bitterness does it take to develop diabetes?
How to extract Pearls from your Pain?
Love is that mother-of-pearl necessary to protect and heal those wounds and turn them into precious pearls.
When a loved one offends us we must forgive and focus on the virtues and not on the fault of that person.
Understanding that a wounded person hurts, so the key is to return good for evil, and not evil for evil, not only protects you, but can also help heal the person who hurts you, because maybe what that person needs is love. And thus help others to turn their pain into precious pearl.
The Key to extract pearls from your pain is:
1. Love that covers multitudes of faults and multitudes of mistakes.
2. Forgiving those who offend us.
3. Praying, taking our pain to the Father.
4. Seeking professional help from a psychologist or therapist.
5. Seeking spiritual help from a priest or pastor
I consider my book My Last Sunset in Lebanon/My Last Sunset in Lebanon a precious pearl because it is the product of pain and suffering overcome by the power of love and prayer of faith.
Despite the suffering I experienced when I found myself trapped in the distant lands of the Middle East, living in a country where I suffered the betrayal of the husband of my youth, the rejection of a family that never accepted me, the helplessness and the impossibility of escaping alive and with my daughter under death threats.
Through writing my story, I healed all those wounds, because my book does not focus on pain, but on love, liberation, the miracle.
Because in the midst of my pain and anguish, I was moved by the power of the purest and truest love, I cried out, I prayed and God worked the miracle of our deliverance. Because I learned to forgive.
I wrote with the purpose of helping others who may be going through difficult or seemingly impossible situations, promoting the values of love, gratitude and faith.
1. Love, which is the most wonderful force that exists.
2. Gratitude for the favor received from the teachers who were the instrument in God's hands for our liberation and who made me understand that we are instruments in God's hands to do good.
3. The Power of the Prayer of Faith, which crosses mountains, seas and oceans.
Bible verses to meditate on;
Matthew 13:46
And when he found one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:45
The kingdom of heaven is also like a merchant looking for fine pearls,
You are the pearl of great price!